
Bhole Baba Jñana Ashram
loc. Santa Maria di Pagialla
06026 Pietralunga (PG) – Italy
Tel. +39 3407925570


How to arrive

Auto (E45)

From Cesena, dir. Roma – Exit Città di Castello. Head towards Umbertide. Just outside Città di Castello turn left, dir. Pietralunga. Before Pietralunga in Cainardi village, turn left and follow the signs for ‘Cimitero di Pagialla’. Turn to the first dirt road on the left and go straight for 2,5 km and you’re in Pagialla at Bhole Baba Jñana Ashram. (From a distance you can see the steeple of the church that is part of the construction of the ashram).

From Perugia, dir. Cesena – Exit Montone, continue towards Pietralunga. Cross Pietralunga and follow the signs for Città di Castello. In Cainardi village turn right and follow the signs for ‘Cimitero di Pagialla’. Turn to the first dirt road on the left and go straight for 2,5 km and you’re in Pagialla at Bhole Baba Jñana Ashram. (From a distance you can see the steeple of the church that is part of the construction of the ashram).

Train – Bus

The nearest train station where national trains run is Arezzo. From the station there are frequent buses to Città di Castello.


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